DigiProTips isn’t just about giving you the best, most creative digital production tips and trick to work smart and not harder. I can also assist you in setting up your own equipment, putting together recommendations or troubleshooting any digital video production issues you might be having as an Audio Video Consultant.

Book A Discovery Call – Free

Looking for a bespoke quote with an Audio Video Consultant on a technical troubleshoot or looking for a complete digital production set up recommendation package?

Book a slot below with me and I can assess your needs via a quick 15 Zoom/Hangout and give you a bespoke quote for any issues or services you may need.

Audio Video Consultant

Online Audio Visual Consulting Services Form – $25

Audio Visual Consulting Services
DigiProTips Online Consultation Form

With the Online Audio Visual Consulting Services Form you can let me know about any Digital Video related issue or help you may need and I will respond within 24 hours with a full breakdown of the necessary steps to take and/or any recommendations we can make based on our experience in the industry.

This form can be used for anything from camera issues and editing complications to how-tos and studio setup requirements. If you’ve got a problem, I’ll aim to solve it.

And if my advice doesn’t solve it, I’ll refund you the money.

Get your questions in here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/l/OnlineConsult

30 Minute Virtual Audio Video Consultation – $50

Got a specific issue that you want solving with an Audio Video Consultant for a no fix, no fee deal?

Then jump on to Zoom/Hangouts and let me solve it:

60 Minute Audio Video Consultation via Hangouts – $90

If 30 isn’t enough time for me to solve your query then you can also book an hour slot for me to go into more depth and try to get every part of your problem solved.