About Us

DigiProTips is all about finding ways to work smarter and not harder. Giving you more time to be creative.

There are a thousand and one ways to do things in the world of Digital Production. Knowing methods of practice that get you to the same end result, with the same quality but faster is how you become more efficient and creative as a Digital Production Professional. I want to give you those tools and workflows that let that happen.

Andy Edmondson



I’ve worked in Feature Film, TV News, Podcasting and Digital Media Production for Social Media Publishers.

I have built in-house studios and worked beside Oscar-nominated Directors. It is this mishmash of experience and skills that has enabled me to start this site and hopefully open it up to everyone involved in the production of Digital Media.

I don’t claim to know everything about my craft (I am by no means an A/V Engineer) but what I do know I have learned through experience.

It is my hope that the content on this site helps people in their craft and opens them up to new possibilities or ways of working that they may not have thought of before.


The goal at DigiProTips is to teach Digital Professionals new, faster, ways of getting to the same result so that they have more time to be creative.

The ethos is encapsulated in the phrase. ‘Work Smarter, Not Harder’. It is this motto that runs through every article, tutorial, video and blog post. Through this site I aim to:

  • Impart knowledge
  • Increase Productivity
  • Produce better results
  • Allow creative freedom
  • Increase efficiency

Work Smarter, Not Harder – Every Month

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