DigiProTips – Experience & Background

Where Have I Come From? What Do I Know?

Hey! My name is Andrew Edmondson and I’m the founder of DigiProTips.

What does DigiProTips mean?

Well, it stands for ‘Digital Production Tips and Tricks’. And that’s exactly what I aim to provide on the site and YouTube channel.

My slogan is ‘work smarter, not harder’.


Because I have always believed and found, that there are ways to do things more efficiently than you may realise.

By being more efficient you save time, and by saving time you have more free time to be more creative or finish a project quicker. Time is a valuable thing and in production you can never have too much of it!

My Background

I started out in feature film as a VFX Editor:

I worked my way up from the VFX Editorial department assistant to being the Lead VFX Editor (for that VFX house, not client-side) for the Hunger Games: Mockingjay Pt 1.

I’ve sat with directors of all statuses and I’ve learned a lot about the VFX pipeline, the feature film industry and how things should be done and should be run.

Broadcast TV – Digital Live Camera Switching

After leaving my feature film days behind me I jumped into the digital arm of broadcast TV for a large US weather broadcaster.

Here I set up the in-house studio for the UK side of the business.

In this studio I learned how to conduct live multi-camera mixes to air on the US channel and would also film 10+ social media content videos daily.

I found new and innovative ways of doing things every day and my knowledge of live production kit and best practices became incredibly strong.

Digital Content & Podcasting

Armed with this knowledge I left broadcast TV and looked at building a live multi-cam studio and Production department for a large digital content and social media content publisher in the UK.

As their Head of Production I built the studio and department from the ground up and had a team of 10 working on everything from set design, to motion graphics, to shooting branded partner commercials and organising live podcast recording events in Japan for the Rugby World Cup.

The studio consisted 5 set spaces, a green screen, camera gallery, green room for talent and a voice over booth.

All of the technical aspects of an endeavour like that I learned off my own back. Through trial and error I built up an offering that our competitors could not match.

By the time of my leaving we had two of podcasts in the Top 5 UK sports podcasts and a suite of awards for content under our belt.


It is the current place and time that I find myself giving back to all the tutorial creators and the forum keyboard warriors who inadvertently lead me down this path.

I want to build a platform where beginners and professionals can all come to find new and innovative ways to do the same task but far more efficiently and ultimately save them the headaches that I went through.

DigiProTips is a place to find ways to work smarter and not harder, it is a place to ask questions and look for help but it is also a place that is constantly evolving and growing, just like my professional career has over time.

Get In Touch

If you have a query about something that you think I might know the answer to then shoot me a mail at info@digiprotips.com. I will get back to you in any way I can to help.

If you have a bigger issue you can’t solve and you need my help, then head to the DigiProShop and get yourself an online consultation with me.

If you would rather contact me directly then of course shoot me a mail and we can carry the conversation on from there.

If you have any requests for content that would help you out then again send a message and I’ll see what I can do for the next article or video I produce.


If you haven’t already then get yourself on the mailing list below to ensure you get a monthly round up of all my tips and tricks!